Saturday, February 27, 2010


Lagu zombie ini udah lama sih aq rasa. Awalnya aq denger lagu ini di radio bareng temen aq belum lama ini. Dengernya kata "in your hand" tapi pas mau nanya sama temen aq yang laen, malah lupa. Semalem baru inget tapi temen aq itu gak tau lagunya paan. Pas lagi chat ma temen aq yang laen lagi (banyak banget yang laen..ha8..soalnya orang yang aq maksud 3 orang ^^). Ternyata dia tau. Jadi langsung deh aq download n cari liriknya. Keren juga lagunya...

Zombie by The Cranberries

Another head hangs lowly
Child is slowly taken
And the violence caused such silence
Who are we mistaken?

But you see, it's not me, it's not my family
In your head, in your head they are fighting
With their tanks and their bombs
And their bombs and their guns
In your head, in your head, they are crying

In your head, in your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie,
Hey, hey, hey. What's in your head,
In your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, dou, dou, dou, dou, dou...

Another mother's breakin'
Heart is taking over.
When the violence causes silence,
We must be mistaken.

It's the same old theme since nineteen-sixteen.
In your head, in your head they're still fighting,
With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are dying...

In your head, in your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie,
Hey, hey, hey. What's in your head,
In your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, hey, oh, ya, ya-a...




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Aq berdomisili di Batam dan kuliah jurusan manajemen. Aq juga cuma manusia biasa..he5. Aq tipe org yang krg pandai bersosialisasi jadi dengan nulis blog ini dapat melepaskan Temen aq bilang aq lbh cocok jadi pengarang novel coz aq sering berimajinasi..ha5
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